Privacy Policy (Full Version) – last reviewed 19 June 2024


SMASH Youth Project (referred to as “SMASH,” “we, “our” or “us”) is committed to protecting the privacy and security of your personal information.

Under data protection law, an organisation that decides how the personal information it collects and holds is used is called a ‘data controller.’ This policy explains how SMASH collects your personal information, what we do with it, what we do to keep it secure and your rights in respect of it.

The Head of Operations is SMASH’s Data Protection Manager (DPM):

This notice is reviewed and updated to ensure it is accurate and reflects our data processing activities. We recommend that you check this policy regularly.  It was last reviewed 19 June 2024 by Head of Operations.

The Information SMASH Collect and When

SMASH collect information about a child or young person (CYP) who has been referred to our programmes, a parent/carer or family member of someone who has been referred and donor/fundraiser for SMASH.

Under data protection law, we must only collect personal information that is necessary to conduct our mentoring programmes and operate the charity.  The type of information we will collect may include:

•      Survey responses.

•      IP address and other online identifiers when you interact with our online services.

We may, in further dealings with you, extend this personal information to include your address, purchases, services used, records of conversations and agreements.

Some of this information may be sensitive to you e.g. criminal convictions, health, race, religion or sexual orientation.  Data Protection Laws refer to this as special category information. More information is provided about this below. 

You are under no statutory, contractual requirement or obligation to provide SMASH with your personal information. However, we require at least the information above in order for us to deal with you as a user of our services in an effective and beneficial manner.

How Do You Collect My Personal Information?

SMASH collects personal information about you which is provided directly through your interactions as:

We also collect information about you from third parties.  This could be a parent or one of our referral partners e.g. Swindon Borough Council, Police and Crime Commissioner.  If a third party has provided information about you, we will record what’s been provided and who gave it to us.

How We Use Your Information

SMASH collect and use your personal information to:

Helping to manage and administer our wellbeing and mentoring programmes which includes:

We use your data in this way as we have a legitimate business interest to do so.  This is so that we can offer and deliver our mentoring programmes in the best way possible and make sure your needs are at the core of our decisions.  We’ll always make sure the way we process your information is safe and not unfair to you.

To meet our legal and regulatory obligations which includes:

SMASH will use personal information in this way when required by law and only use what is necessary to fulfil our legal duties. 

To share relevant news and updates about our work

We may send you relevant news about our service offerings in several ways including by email, but only if you have previously consented to receive such communication. If you wish to amend your preferences i.e. you wish us to cease making contact, you can do so through our website or by contacting the DPM (

To manage and administer the ways to support SMASH which includes:

We will use information in this way to fulfil a contract between us e.g. your donation.

To monitor and enhance the programmes and services that SMASH offers which includes:

We use your data in this way as we have a legitimate business interest to do so and where possible will only use anonymised data to do so.  We do this so that we can understand the ever-changing needs of the people we mentor and those who interact with SMASH. It means we can put those changes at the core of any changes we make to our mentoring programmes and work.

Special Category Information

From time to time, due to the nature of our work, we may collect information that might seem sensitive
e.g. details about health and disability or whether there is any police involvement with you or your family.   This type of information is known as special category data and covers your health, race, religion, political opinions, sexual orientation, trade union membership and biometric details.

We only ever collect and use this sensitive information when we absolutely need to and will make sure it is kept as minimal as possible. It will be used to understand and personalise our mentoring services and make sure we can support you fully.  This could be from making sure you get the most from our mentoring programmes, to ensuring you have any additional support you may need.

A lot of this information will be provided by you, your parents/carers or whoever referred you to SMASH.  We will assume you are happy for us to keep a record of this and that you have been told when someone acting on your behalf has shared this type information with us.   We will use it as there is a public interest for us to do so.  This is where it is not only in your best interests but also in everyone’s best interest to support our mentor fulfil our charity’s mission to ensure young people get the support they need when they need it, no matter what.

In some rare cases, this information provided about you, or your family may be shared as there is a public interest for us to use it to meet our regulatory obligations. This is most likely to be in support of our safeguarding obligations towards CYP.

Who We Might Share Your Information With

We share your personal data with:

We will not share your information with any third parties for the purposes of marketing.

Your Rights Over Your Information

You have certain rights when it comes to your personal information and there are a number of requests you can make:

Not all these rights are absolute, which means that they may only apply in certain situations and may be subject to legal exceptions and exemptions.  When you submit a request, we will review it and get back to you as soon as possible – always within a month. 

You can raise your request at any time either through a mentor or preferably to our Head of Operations,

The Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO) regulates data protection and privacy matters in the UK. There is a wealth of information on their website.

You can make a complaint to the ICO at any time about the way we use your information. However, the ICO recommend you contact us first to attempt to resolve any concerns prior to contacting them. 

How Long We Keep Your Information For

SMASH retain a record of your personal information to provide you with a high quality and consistent service offering.  We will retain your personal information in accordance with Data Protection Legislation and will not retain your information for longer than is necessary.  Our current maximum retention periods are:

Your relationship with SMASHRetention period
You are a donor or fundraiser who is currently or previously supported SMASH6 years after your last donation.
You are a CYP or family member of a child or YP who has been referred to SMASHFor the time you are referred to SMASH plus 6 years. In the event of a safeguarding issue, this time period is increased until the CYP reaching the age of 25.
You have emailed SMASH or been in touch.Files held on Sharepoint will be removed 12 months after your application/last contact with SMASH.

If SMASH ceases to exist, any personal data will be deleted/shredded unless specifically required under safeguarding regulation or there is a requirement to be retained by a Funder/Commissioner.  In which case, it will be transferred to them and, under the terms of this Privacy Policy, they will be permitted to use that data only for the purposes for which it was originally collected for by SMASH.

Giving Your Views and Sharing Your Thoughts

When using our website or media applications, you may be able to share information through social networks e.g. when you ‘like,’ ‘share’ or review our services. When doing this, your personal information may be visible to the providers of those social networks and/or other users. Please remember it is your responsibility to set appropriate privacy settings on your social network accounts so you are comfortable with how your information is being used and shared.

Changes To Our Privacy Policy

We may change this Privacy Policy from time to time e.g. if the law changes. We recommend that you check this policy regularly.

How To Contact SMASH

If you would like to exercise one of your rights, you have a question/complaint about this policy or the way your personal information is processed, please contact SMASH by: