
We rely entirely on donations to keep us running. From quiz nights and choir concerts to magic shows and marathons, we wouldn't be here without your amazing fundraising efforts.

If you’re keen to help us, we’ve put together a list of ways you could show support beyond a cash donation, including some fundraising ideas that you can do from home.

Virtual Fundraising

A virtual fundraiser is a brilliant way to connect with friends, family and colleagues or to challenge yourself – and gather much needed donations too!

Whether you’re a total techy or digital novice, there are an array of platforms, apps and websites that mean it’s never been easier to host a virtual quiz, comedy night or escape room.

Getting active

Set yourself a challenge and get moving for SMASH! Physical challenges can be done solo or as part of a squad – even if you can’t get together in person.

Distance challenges such as walking, running, cycling and swimming can be a brilliant way to push yourself. Pick a target for a total amount you’d like to travel and time you could take doing it – 100km in a month, a one day 5k or a communal Lands’ End to John O’Groats – the possibilities are endless.

Special Occasions

If you’ve got a birthday, anniversary or event coming up, consider setting up a fundraiser for SMASH for friends in your network – they can make a donation towards your target as a thoughtful gift.

If you’re planning a fundraiser, want to discuss ideas or have any questions about supporting SMASH then please get in touch via – we’d love to hear from you!

Fundraise on JustGiving

Every penny you raise makes a difference

  •  £5 can buy a mentor and mentee a drink at a local café, creating time to talk
  •  £20 can pay for the transport costs of a young person attending their work experience placement
  •  £50 pays for an entire mentoring session for a young person

Fundraise on JustGiving

The easiest way to fundraise for us is through JustGiving. Create a fundraising page and share with your friends, families and colleagues and everything donated will come directly to us.

Fundraise on JustGiving

Other ways to pay your money in


Pinetrees Community Centre, The Circle, Pinehurst, Swindon SN2 1QR


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