Primary and Secondary Based EBSNA
Primary EBSNA
Primary School EBSNA is a preventative programme that works with primary aged children across Swindon and Wiltshire to build resilience and encourage continued participation in education.
EBSNA mentoring works to build resilience and strengthen relationships between children and other key members of school life. This can also include summer holiday sessions, aiding children with their transition into Secondary School.
This project requires funding. If interested, please get in touch to talk further and find out more.
Secondary EBSNA
Secondary School EBSNA supports 11 to 16-year-olds to manage their anxiety, reduce feelings of isolation and hopefully, re-engage with education.
Working 1-to-1 with a SMASH mentor and in peer support groups, young people are supported to understand their barriers & challenges, develop plans to address them and achieve sustainable outcomes. We also assist young people when they engage with external services, ensuring a tailored, multiagency network around each young person as they move through their mentoring programme.
This project requires funding. If interested, please get in touch to talk further and find out more.