We support young people to be an active part of their community.

Parish Council Youth Work
Our SMASH mentors facilitate Youth Groups with Parish Councils across Swindon and Wiltshire. They support young people aged 10-17 to try new things, build confidence and make connections in their local communities.
Some of our previous activities include spray painting, T-shirt making, water games, sports and circus activities.
We currently run youth groups across Swindon. To find out more about our Youth Club times, please visit our Facebook or Instagram page.
This project requires funding. If interested, please get in touch to talk further and find out more.
Salisbury Hospital Youth Mentoring
Salisbury Hospital Youth Mentoring supports young people aged 11 to 25 living in Wiltshire who are regularly admitted to hospital. Using a relationship-based approach, our mentors work intensively with young people and their families, encouraging young people to access the community and take control of their health and wellbeing.
Meeting young people in their community, at hospital or at home, our NHS youth mentors develop a trusting relationship with each young person, enabling them to reflect and build on their strengths, choices and local connections.
We are thrilled to be working in partnership with the NHS Bath and North East Somerset, Swindon and Wiltshire ICB, Salisbury NHS Foundation Trust and The Stars Appeal.

Swindon Youth Voice Group
Swindon Youth Voice is a group of young people who have a voice and want to make a positive change in their community. Working alongside young people aged 11 to 18, group members are encouraged to be creative, collaborative and open-minded, working together to create their vision of a better Swindon.
Currently, Swindon Youth Voice are working towards their mission statement:
“Young people going into hospitals/care homes to give to the community”, demonstrating that care and community exists between generations.
This mission is being developed through a range of creative activities and discussions, using the creative expertise of Prime Theatre to shape campaigns that benefit the wider community.
This programme is run in partnership with Youth Voice, Voluntary Action Swindon, Prime Theatre, and Mind.
Community Opportunity Voice and Empowerment (COVE)
Community Opportunity Voice and Empowerment (COVE) is a peer support space run weekly in the community after school for young people with emerging concerns with their wellbeing. Working with young people aged 11 to 16 as part of a rolling cohort, young people are encouraged to build relationships with their mentor and each other, talking about topics they care about and taking part in a range of creative activities.
This programme supports young people to reduce stress and develop strategies for promoting good wellbeing, building their resilience to face new challenges.
COVE is a closed group and a referral must be submitted before attendance. Young people’s participation is reviewed on a termly basis to ensure they are receiving the right help at the right time.